Reebok CrossFit One & Jeremy Scott Fitness
Reebok CrossFit One & Jeremy Scott Fitness
This past week I was fortunate enough to visit Boston and the Headquarters of Reebok with some of my fit friends from Fitfluential. To say I was blown away from the entire experience would be an understatement; everything from the facility to the products to the staff was 1st class!
Their work environment is unlike anything I have ever been witness to; they have a training facility that is off the charts. Full court indoor and out door basketball, full on weight rooms, multiple aerobic training areas, soccer fields the list goes on and on, not to mention home of the CrossFit One Box which is nothing but extraordinary. Not only was the facility and the building itself geared for a full on fitness experience the employees there live and breathe fitness as well, which was one of the most impressive things to me. Over half of all the employees there are part of the CrossFit program and a majority of remaining staff does some form of strength or aerobic training on a regular basis. It truly felt like “the home of fitness” far different then other office settings I have seen in person.
It’s one thing to talk the talk and say you are “the home of fitness” and another to walk the walk and from what I have seen they are 100% walking it, which only makes me believe in their ideas and their products more than ever. It takes a lot to impress me from a fitness standpoint and I left nothing but impressed in every aspect.I also had the chance to try my 1st ever CrossFit Workout (WOD) and it lived up to the hype!Being one of the top “Boxes” CrossFit One –I was able to work with some of the best coaches and athletes on the planet....Including Julie Foucher who finished 2nd last year in the CrossFit games and who is considered by many as the 2nd fittest women on the planet…..if that doesn’t inspire you I don’t know what would. I always knew the workouts were difficult from friends I have who are immersed in the CrossFit community and while the workout was tough, I was more impressed by the progressions and modifications they had for various fitness levels and people with mobility issues.
With Julie Foucher 2nd Fittest Women on the Planet 2nd Place Crossfit Game Finisher
I finished the WOD smoked, 100% kicked in the ass, and one of the best overall total body workouts from an aerobic and anaerobic standpoint I have been through in awhile. Sometimes it’s nice to try something totally new where you feel like a fish out of water, stepping out of my comfort zone of bodybuilding style training and into the CrossFit cult for a day. It was nice to be in the presence of so many fitness athletes and competitors it really does help motivated and inspire you to do your absolute best.
So did I leave ready to change my entire training protocol and start JSF CrossFit? NoDo I now think CrossFit is for everyone? NO, but I also don’t think bodybuilding, zumba, boot camps, or Jeremy Scott Fitness camps are for everyone either. That’s the beauty of fitness you can pick and choose what you love most, what you enjoy doing, coaches that mesh with you and your personality and what gets you the results you want.My point is all of these are different training programs with strong similarities and vast differences. CrossFit One does some really great things that we do in our programs in Scottsdale and some things I wouldn’t include in my own personal program or our JSF programs.
Overall I left with a very positive outlook on CrossFit, it would be hard not too especially with the level of coaching I was exposed to. I went into it with an open mind leaving all pre-conceived notions at the door and left with a better outlook on the sport than when I left. CrossFit like anything else be it spin, zumba, boot camps, yoga, bodybuilding it comes down to coaching and the overall program – great coaches make for great experiences and it all depends on your goals as an athlete and what are you truly looking for!
As for the NEW Reebok gear and shoes I had a chance to preview before the general public does all I can say is WOW! Now you guys know I don’t bullshit and I wouldn’t say something was awesome unless it really was, and let me say Reebok has some great things coming out for runners, athletes and everyone in between. I think all of you will be impressed when you see some of the changes they have made to their gear and shoes coming in 2013. They have the pulse of the fitness community in everything that is coming your way in the next few months.
Overall my thoughts as I sit here on my 6 hour flight back to sunny Scottsdale, AZ are nothing but positive. It’s hard not to be after spending 2 days with some badass fitness professionals and enthusiasts. It was my first time meeting many of my Fitfluential-Reebok #rbkfitblog friends including Kelly O and you guys were all I expected and more thank you for making me feel so welcomed you guys truly are my fitness family. I can’t wait to hangout again together in the future and hopefully spend even more time together chatting fitness and everything in between.
As for the Reebok Team from all the top-level athletes, staff, employees you guys really do embody what fitness is all about. Living it 24-7-365 is something I RESPECT in the highest regard and thinking in terms of what athletes want in your product design because you are all in fact athletes yourselves. You have no idea how impressive that was and is to me, it honestly makes me believe in what you are doing and what your vision is for the future. I am humbled and more than honored to be part of it and look forward to helping spread the word of fitness in the future. So to all my fit family and everyone at Reebok thank you for being badass hosts and walking the walk, until next time keep kicking ass and #GetAfterIt!
Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness #GetAfterIt
FitFluential Ambassador #rbkfitblog