Banana Oat Protein Bars - Jeremy Scott
I know a lot of you guys struggle with eating on the go and making good choices in a rush. Here is a healthy little snack you can put together and take with you instead of grabbing some junk at the local gas station. Tasty, quick, easy and great for you as well. Let me know what you think and feel free to share with a friend. Check these Protein Bars out.....
Banana Oat Protein Bars
2 Cups Old Fashion Oats
½ shredded coconut
½ cup rasins
¼ cup chooped walnuts
2 Large organic bananas
¼ cup truvia
¼ cup cinnamon
2 Scoops PROLAB Vanilla Whey Isolate Protein
Heat Oven to about 350 degrees after mixing all ingredients in a large bowl layout into a small brownie pan and bake for about 25-30 minutes – cool-cut-serve! Keep it clean guys and let's get ready to dominate 2013!!!
Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness - PROLAB Athlete