Carrot Cake Cup Cakes Gluten Free - Jeremy Scott Fitness

Carrot Cake Cup Cakes Gluten Free - Jeremy Scott Fitness

Most of you guys know I have gone gluten free over the past few months and have been feeling like a million bucks because of it and not to mention I feel this is the best physical shape my body has been in as well day to what a kick ass bonus!!!! With that said here is a little amazing treat you can enjoy gluten free that tastes awesome and won't kill your macros or clean eating for the day!!!

Gluten Free JSF Carrot Cake Cupcakes

1 ½ cups blanched almond flour

½ teaspoon  phresh salt -found below

½ teaspoon baking soda

 1 tablespoon cinnamon

3 whole organic omega 3- eggs

2 tablespoons grapeseed oil

¼ cup agave nectar

1 ½ cups carrots, grated

½ cup pecans, chopped

1/4 cup Stevia for a little added swetteness - add to taste 

In a large bowl, combine almond flour, salt, baking soda and cinnamon

In a separate bowl, mix together eggs, oil and agave

Stir carrots and pecans into wet ingredients

Stir wet ingredients -then mix with dry

Scoop a heaping ¼ cup batter into a paper lined 12 cup muffin pan

Bake at 325° for 18 to 20 minutes

Cool to room temperature and spread with Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting

Makes about 12 small  cupcakes


JSF Cream Cheese Frosting4 ounces cream cheese3 tbsp agave nectar3 tbsp heavy cream

Just a hint of stevia just for a little sweetness added

Combine ingredients into bowl whip until frosting is as thick as you like and BOOM ENJOY!!!

Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness 

Scottsdale Personal Trainer -Gluten Free Eater Since 2013 

P.S. Heather Schroeder is my 50/50 partner on these cup cakes,

Meaning she baked them and I ate them yes all of them before I went to sleep the night we made them!!!!


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