Jeremy Scott Fitness
1. Where are you originally from?I am from a farm in small town Iowa with a graduating class of 34. I went to the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA and Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I moved to Scottsdale in October 2012.2. How long have you been coming to JSF?I started December 2012 on a living social and am so grateful I chose to extend into a membership. It is unbelievable how amazing the trainers and athletes are here. When I started at JSF, I could barely do a pushup hold or plank. Now I don’t even think about doing “girl pushups.” I am so blessed to have found JSF. Jeremy Scott Fitness is the best investment because it’s been in my health and future. It is worth the money to do this healthy lifestyle thing the right way.3. What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?I was never fit. I had been the fat smart kid since I had to take steroids for Henoch Schonlein Purpura at 6 years old then I was bulimic in the 8th grade. I was up and down with my weight ever since. I did the yo-yo diets, calorie restriction, gyms, work out DVDs, diet pills, etc. I gained about 30-35 pounds during my doctorate program from 2010-2012. Moving to Scottsdale made it a reality of how fat I had gotten. My brother is a lot like Jeremy, and I talked to him about the membership. I saw results – 8 pounds in the first month – so I stuck with it. I started macronutrient daily goals in March. From April to August, I’ve lost 17 inches on my abdomen and have some abs definition!December 2012 starting statistics were weight 206, body fat 40%, and size 14, XL.August 2013 current statistics are weight 156, body fat 28%, and size 4-6, S/M.April 2014 goals are weight 120, body fat 20%, and size 4, S.Now I go to JSF 3-4 times a week, hike/run 3-4 times a week, yoga once a week, and 3-4 other workouts per week (from Pinterest, Crossfit, or my fitness studio/gym).4. What do you like best about JSF?The people. The motivation, inspiration, dedication, and hard work of the trainers and other JSF athletes. Jeremy, Kelly, and Monica are so approachable to discuss fitness and nutrition goals, and they will guide you with individualized nutrition plans. The challenges are awesome and really help you clean up your eating. You will see results when you put in the work.5. What do you like to do in your free time?Church and God, prayer team, golfing, painting, ballet, art, plays, hiking/running at Pinnacle Peak, health/fitness, genetics research, travel (international and domestic), college football, European soccer, concerts, movies, volunteering, shopping, and family time in Iowa.6. What’s your favorite cheat meal?Gelato and red wine.7. What is your advice for other members to get great results?Get outside of your comfort zone, and push yourself. I track all my food in myfitnesspal. Drink a lot of water – at least half your body weight in ounces. Do not calorie restrict. Do not skip meals. Eat; just eat good food with nutritional value, not processed junk. Set long and short-term goals – make them public by sharing with friends and family. Make sure they’re specific – not “lose weight” – but rather, I will be X size, weight, body fat by a specific date with a detailed plan on how to do that with your nutrition and exercise. When you crush those goals, set new ones. Be better every day than the last, not just in fitness. High intensity interval training (with eating healthy) is the best way to burn fat. Talk to Jeremy about your macros. Hit those goals, and the fat just falls off.
We are so proud of you and how far you have come since starting at JSF! You work so hard and the results are definitely showing! We are grateful to have been a part of your transformation and are so excited to see what the rest of 2013 brings!!!