A Natural Energy For A Running High - Kelly Groff

A natural energy for a running high.....

by Kelly Groff ISSA CFT - Team Jeremy Scott Fitness 

I have lately been doing some extra training for a run I signed up for coming up in September.  I have heard a lot of controversy over running. Is it good for you? Why do you do it? Etc.  The answer to those is answered on a personal level.  I can’t answer that for you.  But I can tell you I do it because I love it.   Is it hard on my body?  Yes probably, but I pay attention to my body I listen to it when it’s too much I stop, I take care of my body I strengthen it in the gym and feed it good fuel.Why do I do it? Well that’s easy if you have ever been a runner you understand the runners high.  If you haven’t been a runner, the easiest way I can explain it is, my mind and my soul need it. I need the time where I battle the mental me on pushing myself. I need the time where I think of nothing but that open road and the distance I am putting on my legs.  Its time away for me, it’s at that time I am in total control of what I am doing.With all this training its added extra hours to my day... (ok maybe just taking away extra sleeping hours!)  I have been putting extra hours in the morning to beat the AZ heat, AND IT’S HOT AT 6:30am!!! I then continue on with my normal day of working at the gym, working out and being a mother and wife.  My energy level falls low.I love drinking a sugar free Celsius before my workouts.  These drinks are not just a natural energy drink but they help burn more calories and raise my metabolism while I am doing my workouts, no matter what it is.  I have attached a link and code for you to give it a try! The favorites at our house are orange and raspberry! I even got my husband drinking them.  If you use the coupon code you can get 10% off your order and it will go directly to you! No more running out for more energy!


Receive 10% off by using coupon code Kelly@JSF


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