School Lunch - Your Youth - Kelly Groff

School Lunch & Your Youth 

Kelly Groff ISSA CFT - Team Jeremy Scott Fitness 

School time is quickly approaching and for some of us that means back to school shopping, backpacks, school supplies, new daily schedules and packing lunches for our kids.  In a healthy lifestyle we as adults have to prepare our food to be successful in our eating habits.  Our kids are no different. I know I personally prepare most of my meals on Sunday and Wednesdays or Thursdays.  This helps me set out my menu and prepare my food which makes it easier for me to make the right decisions when it comes to nutrition.  School lunches have gotten so much better over the years.The choices the kids have these days are a great! The schools seem to be thinking of the future of our kids and creating a healthy lifestyle for them.  But if your kids are like mine they don’t like to eat the school lunch and choose to bring their own lunches a couple times a week.  I run out of ideas so I wanted to share some of our favorites that make it in the lunchbox at our house.Meat and cheese roll ups - try to stay away from processed meat and use the natural meat and roll the cheese stick with it. You can always add a wrap around these and add some vegetables for a delicious wrapAnts on a log – celery sticks with peanut butter, or almond butter and raisinsHomemade lunchable – this seems to be the favorite! My daughter always wants a lunchable, but this way I make it, and get to choose the healthy ingredients.We like to do shredded chicken in the crockpot for dinner this makes great leftovers for a child’s lunchbox.Fruit kabobs- a variety of fruit put on a stick makes it fun for them and when made ahead of time you can cut up a variety of fruit to have on hand.These are just some of our favorites – we always pair our lunch with a drink and a special little something to make it through the afternoon.For me I never really ate healthy as a child. I feel that is why the eating part of switching to healthy lifestyle was so difficult. I think it’s important that we let our children know the importance of making healthy choices is.  This way the healthy eating becomes just natural to them.  Feel free to share any of your lunchbox ideas!

Thanks Kelly Groff Scottsdale Personal Trainer 

Team Jeremy Scott Fitness 


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