Muscle Ropes Quick Finisher Workout -Jeremy Scott Fitness

Muscle Ropes Quick Finisher Workout

-Jeremy Scott Fitness-

Hey guys I am wanted to just touch on one quick training tool that we use a lot here at Jeremy Scott Fitness. We are talking about Muscle Ropes!!!My best advice to anyone looking to get a great training tool, or better yet if you are looking on buying a treadmill or elliptical aka time wasters. Save yourself about $3,000 and spend less than $150 on a Muscle Rope that is 100 times more versatile.

 We use Muscle Ropes in various training circuits, drills and workouts with our adult, high school, and youth athletes. Just about anything safe-functional- and heart racing we integrate it into our sessions to keep it funky and fun.


They are one of my favorite forms of aerobic training and earlier this year when I pulled my hamstring it was a great way to keep my heart rate cranking at a high level on non-strength training days. Below is a sample workout that I like to throw in at the end of my workouts call it a Fat Loss Finisher – 6 total movements 10 seconds on -1 second pause for 1 straight minute to finish off the day.

Trust me guys this is one of the best and most enjoyable training tools you can put in your tool box, grab one today –    

Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness

Scottsdale Personal Trainer

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this all opinions are my own.


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