50-Day “Save Your Stomach” Holiday Survival Guide
Jeremy Scott Fitness Presents:
50-Day “Save Your Stomach” Holiday Survival Guide
If you don’t want to see your waistline grow from now until 2014 –this is for YOU!
November 11th – December 31st
- 50 Days for $50-
Ok guys here it is simple, effective, nothing fancy, I am not going to sell you on this one either you really want to survive these 50 days and get into better shape or you don’t!
Here is a concept, how about instead of gaining a bunch of shit weight over the Holiday's, YOU actually lose some weight instead? And get into better shape, not worse shape...CRAZY right!
I will only ask this once, don’t be a lazy ass and pass up this opportunity!!!
Many of you will read this and say…
So what if I pack on 15 lbs during the holidays? I’ll just eat better and exercise the weight off after the New Year!”Really? Tell me how that’s worked in the past?Do you want to know a little secret among health and fitness clubs all over the country?THEY WANT AND NEED YOU TO GET FAT DURING THE HOLIDAYS SO THAT YOU HAVE INCENTIVE TO JOIN THEIR CLUBS IN HOPE OF LOSING THAT SAME FAT AFTER THE NEW YEAR!Why not break this tired cycle you have been doing for years?It is WAY easier KEEP OFF that 15 lbs than it is to take off that same 15 lbs!Don’t be those people…. who get out of shape and eat whatever they want in addition to reducing their activity levels during busy times like the holidays.What happens next? They gain 15lbs of fat and garbage weight… Jan 1st roles around and they work really hard to make some progress and then smack!They burn out as a result of totally over training their out of shape overweight bodies. Usually, some sort of overuse injury like knee pain or lower back pain accompanies and/or contributes to this burn out.What happens next? This vicious cycle repeats itself! These people stop working out and rest because they are both mentally and physically fried and then their health and fitness regresses even further.Do you want it to happen again? If not, keep reading…….Here is the deal – 50 Days of being active and eating a well as possible – that’s it.Starting November 11th 2013 until December 31st – you will have 50 days to Survive the family, friend, and work parties, the holiday events, and numerous treats and snacks you come across.Now this is not a “let’s skip Thanksgiving” program – as I plan to stuff my face on Thanksgiving as you should as well –BUT this is a Survival Challenge that comes with rules-guidelines- and suggestions on how to enjoy your life the right way.This is REALLY a Lifestyle Challenge – our hope is that this teaches you how to not only survive the holiday season – but also take what you learn in the next 50 days about yourself and your will power and apply it to your life moving forward.
What does it cost? $50 for 50 Days
What do you get?
Meal Plans created to stay on track and aid in Fat loss for Men and Women made simple for busy people to be able to follow during these crazy holiday times.Creative healthy holiday recipe ideas that taste great and keep you lean.More info on fat loss –nutrition- and staying on track than you ever wanted to know!!!Access to a private face book group –with all your other 50 Day Survival Challenge Members –to trade success stories, wins, recipes, and way to win each day.Guidelines for how to enjoy your holiday time with family, how to pick your battles each week to ensure you don’t get off track.Personal access to Monica-Kelly-myself – for Q & A on how we approach the holidays!We will be giving crowning a WINNER – the person who gives the best “effort” – stays on track, gets the most daily wins, and eats their absolute best and stays active all 50 days will be given a prize package from my partners at PROLAB valued at over $500!!!!!If you want in you must message me by November 10th at the absolute latest to be part of this elite group of motivated people.Again it’s just $50 to be held accountable during the toughest time to stay on track of the year – Are you READY?Don’t pretend a New Year’s Resolution is the answer…. be proactive and take control of your body NOW!!!
Jeremy Scott Fitness - Jeremy Scott Scottsdale Personal Trainer
50 Day Save Your Stomach Holiday Surivial Guide