Are You Holding You Back? - Jeremy Scott

Are You Holding You Back? - Jeremy Scott 

This Blog is intended to do nothing more than let you guys know, you all have the power of choice every single day of your life. You either decide to make your life better or accept the false reality you can't change your current situation. If you get nothing else from this please take away  - 

"Never be satisfied with being average, nobody gets to where they are without stumbles along the way, the only person holding you back in any arena of your life is YOU!" 

I want to start out and say this is 100% authentic, nothing altered (other than name) this is a 100% real transcript of my interaction with a client here at Jeremy Scott FitnessI will not share the clients name with you, maybe at a later day if the client turns into one of hundreds of success stories you will find out their identity. Which I am planning on already - even if they are not!I am sharing this with you guys for one simple reason; sometimes we fall into this place of “learned helplessness” where we feel we can’t do something – or that it’s “too hard” or “we are not ready” – the absolute truthYES – it’s hard and YES – you probably aren’t ready – but when are we ever ready for things that are hard, difficult, challenging, and tough?There is no perfect time to start anything, if I waited for the perfect time to start my business or transform my body I would have never started.Success guys is nothing more than starting and making small progress day after day – it comes down to HOW BAD YOU WANT SOMETHING?

Below is the transcript of our conversation.....


“Hi Jeremy,I'm sorry about this morning. I just wanted to let you know that I am not in the right mindset to change my eating. I am not committed enough right now to make the changes. I know that if I keep eating the way I am I will not see results. I think I am going to put our training on hold, as well as the fitness pal for now. I don't want to spend money training if I am sabotaging it by eating.You gave me some great things to think about and are an awesome trainer. I just need to want to do the work, and then I will come back and get started.Thanks for everything! :-)”----------------------------------My Reply to Client X, “Please call me after you read this - and let me know if you still want to give up on yourself! If you really want to keep living the same life, thinking you can't do it that is 100% your call.  But I ask you WHY NOT MAKE THE CHANGE NOW? What will change in 2 months? The hardest part is getting started - TRUST ME DON'T PUT THIS OFF DON'T QUIT ON YOURSELF - DON'T GIVE UP ON THIS - See it through - remember when you came in here you wanted to make a change 10 days ago - what changed from now until then?  SEE THIS THROUGH - trust me you will wish you did 3-6-12 months from now - YOU CAN DO THIS - YOU CAN BE SUCCESFUL - IT WILL BE HARD - IT WILL BE TOUGH - BUT YOU WILL DO IT I WON'T LET YOU FAIL TRUST ME. Putting it off only will make it harder to get started - you will only have more weight to lose and more work to do -YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN NOW - Do me a favor and watch this video give me 10 minutes of your time and watch it all the way through watch this video almost everyday and lets me KNOW ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE for me! THE SAME GOES FOR YOU - I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS - Don't quit before you even start - you are setting an example for others around you - your friends, your family, and your kids - if they wanted to quit something what would you tell them?I am willing to invest my time and effort into your success, your health, and your life - all I am asking is you do the same. Otherwise I will pretend I didn't get this email and I will see you next week.Talk soon and smile your life kicks ass and you are going to change your life and get your body back!!!! -Jeremy ----------------------------I hope this helps some of you realize if you have a struggle be it health, eating, fitness realted or not - YOU NEED to just go out and do the damn thing - stop waiting for the storm to pass - go dance in the fucking rain! I will leave you guys with a quote I love and read when I think shits just not going my way.....

“All successful people learn that success is buried on the other side of frustration. Unfortunately, some people don’t get to the other side… They allow frustration to keep them from taking the necessary actions that would support them in achieving their desire. You get through this roadblock by plowing through frustration, taking each setback as feedback you can learn from, and pushing ahead.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness 

Scottsdale Personal Trainer 


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