JSF Athletes Of The Month
Jeremy Scott Fitness
Athletes Of The Month - Chris & Alison Eagmin
1. Where are you originally from?Alison was born and raised in Southern California. Chris was born in Chicago, but grew up in Tucson. 2. How long have you been coming to JSF?Alison started coming at the end of June 2013 and Chris started at the end of July 20133. What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?Alison had never worked out before. A friend of hers convinced her to come and try it. She figured she could handle anything that only lasted 30minutes. After a couple visits, she realized this was the greatest option she was ever going to find to actually start getting physically fit.Chris used to go to the gym 3 days a week for an hour at a time. After trying a couple Saturdays at JSF Chris made the switch because he saw what a complete workout Jeremy could get you in such a short time.4. What do you like best about JSF? Alison loves that it's only 30 minutes and it's early in the morning so she can get it done and then start her day. Chris likes that it's a full body workout and it's always different. 5. What do you like to do in your free time?We love to spend time with our two children, travel as much as possible and go to concerts6. What is your favorite cheat meal?For Alison it is red wine and margaritas on the rocks. For Chris it is red wine and Scotch. I guess we have a theme going here.7. What is your advice for other members to get great results?Take advantage of all that Jeremy has to offer! He does so much more than just teach us how to exercise. If you listen to all his knowledge about food and nutrition and start eating clean. The results are amazing!Thank you guys for being such awesome athletes here at JSF. We love having you both come in and kick ass week after week, keep up the amazing work it's our pleasure to have you as part of the team!
Jeremy Scott Fitness
Scottsdale Personal Trainer