Gua Sha Therapy: Scraping


Gua Sha Therapy - Scraping also know as sha-bruises - So, before we kick off this part what is Gua Sha you ask? -Gua sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, Gua sha is defined as instrument-assisted unidirectional press-stroking of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis.Modern research shows Gua sha produces an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua sha treatment. This accounts for its effect on pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, wheeze, nausea and vomiting etc., and why Gua sha is effective in acute and chronic internal organ disorders including liver inflammation in hepatitis.The technique is useful in any licensed therapeutic practice and of particular interest to acupuncturists, massage therapists, physical therapists, physicians and nurses who work directly with patients. info via guasha.comVideo below of the Gua Sha therapy treatment I had with Dr. G.....I will make this quick so you guys can get right into the video and see this Gua Sha Therapy in action. Long story short a few months back I was jackin' steel with Big Sexy Ben Novak doing incline barbbell press with a heavier load. For some reason my left shoulder-scapula was having some discomfort post workout. At the time it just felt tight and slighlty sore nothing crazy, by the time I woke up the next day -the pain was pretty brutal. Over time it went from my scapula the entire length of my lats, up over my shoulder making even my collarbone feel like it was broken..... pretty crazy. I did my best to work through it, giving my shoulder some rest, rolling it, trigger point work myself with ball, which made it manageable for me to train through the pain. Like most dudes I was being an idiot trying to tough it out, so I finally want to see my man Dr. Geier who is legit when it comes to corrective work, healing chronic pain, muscle-nerve you name it he can hook you up. After some tissue work, an adjustment and this bad ass Gua Sha Therapy I was about 75% better after 1 treatment and after the 2nd treatment about 90% better - almost totally pain free, range of motion is improved like crazy life is good. If you are in the Scottdale area, look up my man Dr. Geier and maybe Gua Sha Therapy might be the thing that can heal your chronic pain -along with some proper tissue work and alignment. Jeremy Scott- Jeremy Scott Fitness P.S - if you guys are lookng for follow along training with corrective exercise - (built in follow along foam rolling, stretching, and proper corrective work) pick up our 10 day program here nutritonal program included Click and get healthy and happy with us today!


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Lissy Shoppa -Athlete of the Month