Lissy Shoppa -Athlete of the Month
Lissy Shopp Athlete of the Month Jeremy Scott Fitness
- Where are you originally from?
I'm a Phoenician, born and raised right here in the valley of the sun. Good ole Phoenix, AZ
- How long have you been coming to JSF?
I started coming to JSF in late May to try things out, and then came June and decided to go 3 days a week.
- What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you choose/switch to JSF?
Before I started coming to JSF I picked up jogging/running. I ran either on my treadmill or out in the street 3 to 4 days week about 2 miles each run. What made me finally choose to come to JSF was I felt as if I wasn't gaining any muscle or losing any more weight, I think I hit a plateau. I had already lost around 40-50 lbs, but wanted to lose more weight and needed to tone and tighten. I knew I needed something different and decided it was time to hand myself over to someone who could help me. As of today, I'm down almost 90lbs total from the start of my “lifestyle change” journey, 8 months ago, and around 8-9 dress sizes smaller.
- What do you like best about JSF?
I love that everyday I come in it is something different. I've been coming for 3 months and have never done the same workout twice. The trainers are wonderful, caring and understanding and have helped me with every problem or question I have brought to them.
- What do you like to do in your free time?
When (and that's a big WHEN) I get free time, I love spending it with my 4 children and my husband. Now that I feel healthy, I always have energy to do things outside of the house that my children always wanted me to do before, but I always made an excuse of why I couldn't do it with them.Some of our favorite things to do are going to the water park, mud bogs, and simply hanging out by the pool.
- What’s your favorite cheat meal?
Pizza may be a favorite cheat meal once a month, but I LOVE ice cream, ice cream is my archenemy. I try to behave myself and only go with no sugar added so I don't feel so guilty after eating it.
- What is your advice for other members to get great results?
Stick with it!! Dedicate yourself to your own health and well-being, kick the fast food scene, and know that being fit and healthy doesn't come without a ton of work, love what you do and you'll love you for what you can do! Lissy your transformation is such an inspiration, you have worked your ass off and continue to come in and work so hard with both your workouts and more importantly your nutrition! Keep up the amazing progress!!!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness