Beast of the Month -IRONMAN Jeremy Williams
Beast of the Month - IRONMAN Jeremy Williams Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Making Success Mandatory I was your typical former high school athlete. I figured because I was in great shape when I was 16 that it would translate easily into me being in great shape when I was 32. I was sorely disappointed.After going through a divorce, I realized I was grossly out of shape and needed to do something. In addition, I finding myself sleeping (hungover) on Kevin and Kelly Groffs couch and kept seeing Kelly getting up at 7 am on Saturday morning to go workout at some JSF place.So after a few months of doing workouts, I decided to start doing some races (obstacle course stuff, Ragnar, etc). Those graduated to sprint triathlons about 2 1/2 years ago. I found that I started to like the triathlon sport. I became super motivated and spent the last year training for and ultimately racing my first Ironman triathlon this past November in Tempe.I'm in better shape now than I was in when I was 16.Tell us what it is that keeps you motivated and gets you through those tougher days?I enjoy the group setting and having someone there to push and challenge me. Every workout can be a tough one if you push it, and sometimes you need someone (like a coach) to push you a little further.Could you also add why you choose to train at Jeremy Scott Fitness vs another gym?I enjoy the variety. No two workouts are exactly the same, and I'm never entirely sure what the day will look like. Jeremy and team also offer several levels of activity at every spot, so if you're tired or sore, you can pull back. If you're all jacked up on ore workout and caffeine, then you can pop out clapping push ups, no big deal.Jeremy N. Williams ~Making Success Mandatory ~IRONMAN Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer