Beast of the Month - Heidi Hopfenspriger

Beast of the Month - Heidi Hopfenspriger ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Making Success Mandatory beastofthemonthjeremyscottfitness When I started with Jeremy Scott Fitness about 2 ½ years ago, I was roughly 30 pounds above my ideal weight. I’m not quite certain of my exact weight because I had stopped weighing myself when I hit the 150s and I didn’t weigh myself when I started JSF because I didn’t really see it as a new beginning. I’ve been a regular exerciser since the days of step aerobics and so coming to JSF was just a different option because the location, the time and the short 30 minute workouts fit into my schedule.I came five days a week, worked out hard and I definitely got stronger; but I didn’t lose any weight. And, I wasn’t surprised by that. Like I said, exercise has been a part of my life for a long time and for me, it isn’t necessarily a means to lose weight – it is more of a stress reliever for me; the only time I have just for me. But then, as a year passed things began to change. I listened, read Jeremy’s blogs and watched the success stories. And eventually, I started to think, I want to lose the weight. I want to be back into those size 6 jeans.  So when a 7 day clean eating challenge was offered in October of 2013, I was ready.I blamed my weight gain on a lot of things, but most of all I blamed it on turning 40. And maybe that had something to do with it but it was time to be honest with myself and regardless of my age, I just wasn’t eating properly. So I stepped on the scale for the first time in a long time and nervously started that 7 day challenge. What an eye opener. More vegetables? No processed food? Limited whole grains? And, oh yea, what about those couple glasses of wine each night?For some reason during that 7 day challenge something clicked. After that first 7 days, I thought, I can do another 7 seven days. And eventually that turned into, I can live like this. It was like a light switch.   I was like wow, this is so painfully simple. Why didn’t I do this before? I weighed myself once every couple weeks or so. I didn’t count calories, I didn’t track my food, I didn’t go hungry – I just ate real food. It took me about 8 months to lose those 30 pounds. I still keep to the clean eating regime as much as possible and I still don’t weight myself much (maybe once every three weeks or so). But, it’s funny because each time I do I’m down a pound or two from the last time.I am working on my self-image; I still picture myself with that extra 30 pounds and I tend to buy clothes that are too big. But, I’m getting there. I went jean shopping just a few weeks ago and I was in the women’s section and the sales lady told me that I should check out the junior’s section. I was like, what – me? It made me smile. I wouldn’t have gotten here without JSF. I am an example (one of many that this team has helped) that you can’t out work a bad diet.  But, also if I can do it, so can anyone.Thank you Jeremy, Kelly and Monica for being my inspiration.Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~Make Success Mandatory 


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