Body Transformation 75lbs Fat Loss
~ Body Transformation 75lbs Fat Loss ~ ~ Dr. Ben Leff with Jeremy Scott Fitness ~I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Ben Leff here in Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona over the past several months. To say his transformation was amazing would be selling this effort short, Ben has literally transformed his entire lifestyle of eating, training, and healthy living.He is a perfect example of what happens when you have a WHY ~ WHY you want to get healthy? WHY you want to eat better? WHY you want to make a change? Ben found his way and just took our advice and run with it. He put in the hard work, he changed his eating habits, he put the gym time in, he gave the effort day in and day out and continues to do so.
We are proud to call you a Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete, keep up the amazing kick ass hard work and servings as a great ambassador for health in the community!
Team Jeremy Scott FitnessScottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success MandatoryJeremy Scott