A Day In The Life ~ Jeremy Scott
A Day In The Life ~ Jeremy Scott Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer Make Success Mandatory Author I have a ton of fun projects I am working on for you guys, body image, body dysmorphia, some funky nutrition, traning, body comp things that will be cool when they all come together. But between all that fun stuff as we are putting it together we filmed a quick day in the life video series from these projects for you & my friends over at FitFluential. So I had my man Sean follow me around literally for an entire day from wake up to shutting down Jeremy Scott Fitness before I head home to bed. You will get a quick look at a day in the life of a small biz owner, life of a personal trainer, life of a writer, life of an athlete,life of a guy up early, life of a guy to to bed late, life running around, a good life, a fun life, a life I am happy to life day in and day out. Enjoy guys...... Make Success Mandatory ~ Jeremy Scott
Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~Jeremy Scott Fitness