Hudson Heroes 5K Obstacle Charity Fun Run
JEREMY SCOTT FITNESS ~ DOING IT BIG FORHUDSON HEROES 5K Obstacle Charity Fun Run JOIN JEREMY SCOTT FITNESS FOR A FUN 5K OBSTACLE AND HELP RAISE MONEY FOR A GREAT CAUSE!MARCH 7, 2015 8:00 AT JEREMY SCOTT FITNESS - 7464 E TIERRA BUENA LANE, SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260Cost: Donation only!!Prize Packs for Top Men's & Women's Finisher courtsey of Olympian Labs, Reebok, Jeremy Scott Fitness! Who is Hudson Heroes?Hudson Heroes, Inc. is a non-profit, 501c3 organization dedicated to restoring the lost sense of normalcy and joy in the lives of children facing life-threatening illnesses, and to raise money for pediatric brain cancer research. Inspired by the courage of a great friend during her battle with cancer, our organization was created by passionate teens who are eager to dedicate their time to other children with serious diseases, who may be in need of a friend or companion during their battle.Our mission is to connect, inspire and to create smiles. Who better knows kids than kids themselves? As we travel from hospital to hospital, we will connect the children with one another and with volunteers who share common interests. We will inspire each child to keep up the fight, play an instrument, learn a language, and discover new interests or hidden talents! We offer a wide variety of activities—from instrumental music lessons, tutoring on school subjects, watching movies, playing games, and whatever the children express their interest in, including just hanging out! We will make each visit exciting, adventurous, and full of smiles – because a child should not have to wish for a happy day.Our mission of creating smiles extends to helping the children’s families through financial support and sharing experiences and resources, because when a child is seriously ill, the lives of everyone in the family are drastically impacted. Lastly, we are on a mission to help find cures for brain cancer and other serious pediatric diseases, so that there will be a lot more smiles – and fewer children getting sick – for years to come.Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ Make Success Mandatory #makesuccessmandatory