95lbs Fat Loss Body Transformation
95lbs Fat Loss Body Transformation ~ Lissy Shoppa Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete I won't waste your time today, I will let this video and the amazing before/after photos do the talking and tell the transformation story of Lissy. As you can see this mother of 4 kids dropped an amazing 95lbs of fat and multiple dress sizes on her way to a happier healthier lifestyle.
Thanks for being part of the Team Jeremy Scott Fitness family Lissy, we are all more than proud of all the hard work, effort and dedication you have put in the gym as well as the kitchen. It is truly inspiring to me to watch you work and we are more than humbled to be part of your amazing transformation. Keep up the kick ass work and we look forward to the future with you because it is very, very bright.
Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~Transformation Specialist Join the ranks ~ Fill out the contact page above and be the next Lissy! Why not you? Why not now? If you are waiting for a sign this is it!!! #makesuccessmandatory ~ Make Success Mandatory