Gluten Free Chocolate Cupcakes
Gluten Free Chocolate Cupcakes Jeremy Scott Fitness Style Ok these are a treat, a cheat, something that might fit your macros (IIFYM) or might not pending on how crazy you want to go with them. But let's be real guys sometimes its fun to eat stuff that tastes amazing and those of us living the gluten free life style these are sooooooo legit. So enjoy my special gluten free chocolate cupcakes..... (in moderation of course) What you need.....About 2 cups of Bob's gluten free chocolate cake mix (we used just over 2 cups) About 1 1/2 cups truvia (stevia) natural sweetner 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 whole eggs 3/4 cup REAL butter that's the cupcakes......Now the frosting: 3/4 cocoa powder 1 tsp pure vanilla 1/4 cup REAL butter 5-7 Tbsp. unsweetned vanilla almond milk (pending on thinkness of frosting) start with 5 1 cup truvia (stevia) natural sweetner
- Mix all cupcakes ingredients together in BIG bowl - place in cupcake tins lined with paper - bake around 350-375 for about 15-18 minutes checking every 5 minutes - let cool for 10 minutes -Mix all frosting ingredients together by hand or mixer - let sit or stick in freezer for a few minutes for desired texture to spread
Combine and enjoy for a kick ass sweet gluten free treat! For more funky fun recipes like this checkout best selling gluten free cookbooks HERE! Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people.
Jeremy Scott ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Scottsdale Personal Trainer