BEAST OF THE MONTH- JACQUE GROVES Jeremy Scott Fitness Where are you originally from?-Gregory, South Dakota How long have you been coming to JSF? -I came back regularly April 1st of this year. What was your fitness regimen prior to JSF and what made you
choose/switch to JSF?-I used to walk 4-5 miles 3 days a week. I had been to JSF before and made a suggestion to my walking partner that we try this challenge they offered in April and I have stayed on ever since. What do you like best about JSF?-First, the people. Jeremy, Monica and Kelly. Also, all my new friends I have made who support me everyday. It’s a community, not just a gym. Second, it’s 30 minutes! Who can’t find 30 minutes for themselves??? Lastly, they will help you change your life if you’re ready! What do you like to do in your free time?-Everything with my daughter. Anything active: hiking, biking and hanging out with my friends and family. What’s your favorite cheat meal?-I don’t really have any cheat meals, if I’m craving something I just have a small portion of it. I have learned to love clean fresh food. What is your advice for other members to get great results?-Put yourself first! If you don’t love yourself enough to take care of yourself…you really have no love to share. It starts with what’s inside you. When you find your happy, it will all come so easily. CONGRATULATIONS JACQUE!!!You haven’t slowed down one bit since you started with our Spring Slim-down Challenge and we are just blown away by your consistent progress and positive outlook. You continually show up, work hard and most importantly you took the nutrition education we provided you and made it your new lifestyle. We have no doubt you will reach all of your goals and are honored to be a part of your journey!!!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness