Tips for Building Muscle
Tips for Building Muscle by Jeremy Scott Tips for Building Muscle from a dude who actually built some muscle on his once skinny fat 160lbs frame to 215lbs of lean mass. We talk a lot about getting lean, sexy, ripped, and everything in between so let me change gears here and talk about how to put on some real deal lean muscle mass. If I could only give you guys a handful of tips to put on lean muscle these would be it, enjoy and feel free to share with the world. Tip #1 – use compound movements – the BIG lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench, pull ups, overhead pressing are going to give you the most bang for your buck. Tip #2 – Eat real food if at all possible stick with whole organic dense foods. Quality proteins like fish, chicken, eggs, grass-fed beef and dark green veggies are a good place to start. Don’t forget the power of carbs – sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice are just some of my favorites. Tip #3 – Sleep is key, get enough quality sleep to allow your body time to repair, grown and build that strong lean muscle you have been training for. You don’t grow while you train you grow while you sleep, without quality sleep your results simply wont come. Tip #4 – Train your legs at least twice a week, focusing on the big muscle groups hamstrings, glutes, and your back are going to build muscle faster than doing just the “bro” style workouts “bench-biceps”. If you can I suggest to squat and deadlift at least twice per week and throw in a little high intensity sprinting session as icing on the cake. Tip #5 – Consistency is the key – don’t skip important meals and don’t skip training sessions. It’s not what we do some of the time that counts it what we do most of the time that matters. Create a success plan for your training and your nutrition and stick to it. Track your results and if your not seeing the gains you like in any area adjust and keep working. Tip #6 – Push yourself – give your body a reason to change, don’t take the easy route work as hard as you can. We have a saying when it comes to training at our gym and it’s simple “whatever your 100% looks like give it” if you can keep that in mind when you enter the gym, the sky is the limit when it comes to your results. Tip #7 – Stick with 2-3 total body workouts per week, don’t worry about having just a “chest day” or just a “leg day” as you start out focus on working a few major muscle groups a few times per week for faster results and quicker gains. Tip #8 – Do things correctly – using proper form to avoid injury is key, if your hurt you can’t train so make sure you have a coach or a partner who can help ensure your doing things safely. Tip #9 – Set some goals – make them realistic- I am all for BIG goals and BIG results but understand what can be accomplished in what time frame. If your goal is to be “Arnold” in 60 days you need to come back to reality, set some benchmarks for every 30-60-90 days and focus on those. If you do the little things right the big things will take care of themselves. For my #1 Muscle Building Tip Click Here and let us help you on the road to building a better body and a better life.
Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!Jeremy Scott - Scottsdale Personal Trainer