Spot Fat Loss Myth
Spot Fat Loss Myth ~ Jeremy Scott FitnessThere’s no such thing as spot fat loss.....that's reality!If you want to a flat belly, tighter stomach, or ripped abs, just doing more sit-ups isn’t going to make it happen.Want "toned" legs or "firmer" arms? Just doing leg & arms exercises won’t make it happen.Checkout the video below hopefully this helps you understand the concept a little better. Your body doesn't know you don't want fat on your belly.24/7/365 your body is always mobilizing & storing fat, from all over your body - your belly, arms, legs, back, you name it.How we store fat on/in our body varies from man to man & women to women, meaning we are all a little different. Many things play into how & where we store fat such as your:Genetics - Sex - Hormone Levels - Insulin Sensitivity to name the big ones.To cut this short and answer the question you are probably asking, "how do I lost body fat?"You need to be in a calorie deficit, meaning you are eating less food than you body is burning each day - in a macro balanced nutrition set up. Digging deeper into this the better your sensitivity is to insulin, the better your body can mobilize fat (think fat burning).I can run you all the way down the rabbit hole, but that's for another blog/video all together. Hopefully this helps you understand that "you can't spot weight reduce" "you can' target/spot fat loss".....Any other questions please message me below or shoot me an email.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people. Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal Trainer ~ ~Make Success Mandatory Author~