Beast of the Month - Dora Suppes
DORA SUPPES ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness What brought you to Jeremy Scott Fitness and how long have you been a member?About 18 months ago I was looking to add some strength training and more cardio to my workout. I had exhausted all of the fitness club classes and really wasn’t getting the workout I was looking for. I decided to leave the club environment and start looking at individual programs. I love drop saddle spinning and found an amazing studio where I can ride hard three days a week and then chose JSF for strength and extra cardio. I like to work hard – at the end of a class, I want to feel like I have really done something and I want to know that I will be sore the next day. I LOVE to be sore. One of the many things I love about JSF is that I am guaranteed to ALWAYS be sore….IF I work hard. There is nothing better than waking up in the morning after a workout, climbing out of bed and feeling the soreness pulse through your body. I guess it comes from being a dancer most of my life, hard work and soreness has always been a way of life for me. How did you feel at the beginning when you joined?When I first joined, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m a fairly quite person and like to really zone in on my workout. Group workouts are hit or miss for me. What I found after my first session at JSF is that while it’s a group environment, it’s very much an individual workout. Everyone who trains at JSF is there to work hard and it’s more of a team working together than “group fitness”. Everyone supports each other and pushes you to be the best you can be. How do you feel now?I feel great. I love my workout program, my JFS workouts are really well rounded and are never the same -- it just works for me. I am significantly stronger and faster than I was when I first joined. I wouldn’t trade my time each week at JFS for anything. What have you accomplished since working with Jeremy Scott Fitness?Since starting at JSF, I am significantly stronger and my muscle tone is more defined. I am also much faster, not just at running but in how I am able to execute my workouts. My speed has increased so much that I have to admit; I actually love to run sprints. Jeremy is really knowledgeable and is always eager to help. His approach to life and working out is really unique. He is truly authentic which is important especially in the fitness world. Because of his ongoing quest to make himself a better human being, he is constantly learning and sharing valuable information with his athletes. I’ve learned how to balance my macros and make minor adjustments to my daily food intake that have significantly improved my performance and over all wellbeing. Jeremy is not the only coach at JSF. Kelly and Monica, the other two coaches at JSF are nothing short of amazing. They are extremely supportive in a way that makes you want to push harder every day. They are always watching during workouts, checking for form and ensuring everyone pushes hard without getting hurt. Between the three of them, I have come to realize that I can achieve any fitness goal I set my mind too. In one word how would you describe Jeremy Scott Fitness?Perfect What advice do you have for others?There is no time like the present to take charge of your health and fitness and JSF can be an important part of helping you achieve your goals. If not now…. when? If you are looking for a great fitness program that actually works, regardless if you are just starting out, want a change or are looking to add something new to your existing workout, JSF will not disappoint. The transformations I have watched take place in the other athletes are truly amazing. You will not find a better full body workout anywhere. The staff and athletes at JSF are warm, welcoming and just great people to be around. What’s your favorite quote?“Shed the past, forget the future and fall into the moment feet first”…
CONGRATULATIONS DORA!!!We LOVE having such a hard working athlete like you in the JSF family! You were no doubt in great shape when you started with us but over your time here you have just taken your physique to even more AMAZING levels!Keep up the AWESOME work!-Team Jeremy Scott Fitness