Be More Human Jeremy Scott Fitness
Be More Human Jeremy Scott FitnessRecently I was humbled to work on a project with my homies over at Men's Health Magazine & Reebok. They headed out to sunny Scottsdale, Arizona to film a little day in the life series about myself and what Jeremy Scott Fitness is all about.Jeremy Scott Fitness ~ Be More Human Video I hope you guys enjoy this short clip, and know that without all of you none of this would be possible. It's not the money, it's not the insta-fame, not the magazine covers that gets me out of bed everyday at 3:50am -it's all of you reading this. I appreciate each and every athlete we work with both in person and online. Thank you for being part of our community and what we created here.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people!Jeremy Scott ~ Scottsdale Personal TrainerJeremy Scott Fitness ~ Men's Health Magazine & ReebokBe More Human