If You Want to Live a 1% Life

If you want to live a 1% life you need to do the work the other 99% won’t. If you have the ambition to live a life that only about 1% of the world can attain you have to be willing to put in an insane amount of work over many years to get there. If you want to be your own boss, write a book, travel the world, live in your “dream” house, drive your “dream” car, have six-pack abs, live debt free, become a millionaire whatever your thing is I can assure you it will take a crazy amount of diligent effort to get there. If you will make sacrifices now that the 99% won’t make, later on you will be able to live like those 99% of people will never be able to live. The best part is you are in 100% control of your future.Until next time eat well, train hard & be nice to people. Jeremy Scott Fitness ~Scottsdale Personal Trainer~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast~ Make Success Mandatory 


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