Keeping You Safe

Keeping You Safe First and foremost, we hope this message finds you and your families safe and healthy. As we plan for the reopening of Jeremy Scott Fitness, we thought it to be important to send an update to share with you the everyday precautions and preventative action we are taking to keep our member community aware and safe. At JSF, keeping a clean and safe training facility is a priority. As we prepare to welcome our members back into the gym on May 22nd, we have taken additional health and safety measures to ensure your safety and our commitment to our member’s health and fitness. A Comprehensive Approach to Cleaning:In addition to our routine and regular cleaning protocols, we have added new procedures to ensure a greater level of gym cleanliness. 

  • Gym is scheduled for routine cleanings by a professional cleaning service. Additional cleanings will be conducted and continue over the coming weeks as well as post reopening.


  • Gym will be routinely cleaned with medical grade disinfectant effective against COVID – 19.


  • After each training session, equipment and all training areas will be cleaned and sanitized with disinfectant effective against COVID-19.


  • Cleaning stations will be available throughout the gym with disinfectant.
  • Hand Sanitizer is available and conveniently located throughout the facility.

  Everyday Precautions and Preventative Actions: 

  • We have redesigned the layout of the facility and training areas to allow for the recommended appropriate social distancing.


  • We have adjusted our maximum capacity based on current recommended guidelines.


  • Until further notice, the water fountain will be closed. At this time, we recommend BYOWB - bring your own water bottle. Please inform your Coach if you need a water refill.


  • The gym and equipment will be cleaned and disinfected with a professional disinfectant.


  • Our staff have been advised and reminded of the importance of taking everyday precautions and preventative actions, as recommended by public health officials.


  • All staff have been instructed to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Our staff is taking extra time to disinfect all surfaces on a daily basis and have been asked to wipe down surfaces, faucets, and door handles at additional times throughout the day.


  • We have advised all staff members to wash their hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, after using the bathroom, before eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.


  • Any staff members who are not feeling well, and/or show symptoms will be asked to go home and directed to call their health care provider.

   Additional Preventative Action from Pulse and Member Community.  How You Can Help: 

  • We are asking all members to please wash your hands upon entering and arriving at the gym, and before using any of the equipment. Please wash your hands, again, when leaving the facility.


  • We are asking all members to practice and maintain safe social distancing within the gym. Coaches will provide instruction for members to maintain safe social distancing.


  • Together, we can continue our awareness to protect our member community by thoroughly wiping down and disinfecting equipment used after each session.


  • Handwashing is the best self-defense against the spread of germs. As a backup, please use the antibacterial hand sanitizer available for you.


  • Most importantly, please stay home if you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, are coughing or sneezing or experiencing shortness of breath. Any member or guest who is feeling sick, regardless of symptoms, should not visit the gym.

 If a member or guest shows up with symptoms, the staff will politely ask the member to leave. Please take care of yourself and seek advice from a health care provider. 

  • If you recently traveled from highly infected areas, please give yourself 14 days before returning. Please seek the advice of a health care provider for any recommended health screenings after travel.To that end, we recommend the following best practices, standards and recommendations for our fitness community:  Detailed Info Below 
  • 1) Spacing and capacity limitations (4 person HUB spots and single space workouts) 
    1. b) Best practice is to designate spaces for each member and limiting movement and

    Interaction to that area. 

    1. c) Limiting group size like we always have (even if space permits) to participants to decrease the number of people congregating before and after class

     2) Programming considerations 

    1. Use of common/shared equipment, machines, weights and other workout devices should be minimized to the greatest extent possible. We will be as a staff and community sanitizing after each use.


    1. Exercise and workout design will limit sharing of equipment


    1. Workout duration should be adjusted to accommodate time before and after to disinfect the equipment (Sessions may take 35 minutes for the time being)


    1. Schedules may be adjusted as to minimize traffic and congestion before and after class

       3) Sanitizing and disinfecting 

    1. Each workout zone will have appropriate disinfecting materials (eg, spray, cloths wipes, sanitizer, disposable gloves) so the staff and or member can disinfect prior to and after their sessions


    1. Members will be be trained in proper equipment disinfecting as necessary.


    1. As a regular practice in the studio/gym, members shall be encouraged to practice hygiene standards as defined by CDC guidelines


    1. We will keep a strict cleaning and disinfecting protocol and make that protocol available to the public.


    1. While there are numerous commercially available disinfecting products on the market, our suggestion is to choose carefully. Many products are toxic if used in large quantities and many are harmful to surfaces and equipment. The NIH and CDC accepted solution of 70% ethyl alcohol 30% distilled water as an effective virucidal surfactant.

     4) Member and trainer considerations 

    1. Members and trainers will be required to stay at home if they show any signs or symptoms


    1. Members should be contacted immediately if it becomes known that a member or trainer has tested positive for Covid-19


    1. The studio shall keep a temporal thermometer available to check members by request or if there is a question of contagion


    1. Facilities will have masks available for trainers and members to use at their discretion.


    1. Staff has a health checklist they must take and track daily prior to the start of their shift.


 Other Considerations: We understand and recognize the current conditions may create circumstance that vary for each individual; therefore, we are providing additional training options to consider when using the facility: We will continue our awareness for information and best practices by monitoring reports by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and resources provided by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health. Thank you for being a valued member of JSF. We appreciate your support to keep our member community healthy and safe. If you have any questions, please contact me, Please contact us with any questions at 605-481-2611 Regards, The JSF Team 


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