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Posts Tagged with "vitamins"

Supplements Yes or No?

Supplements … yes or no? One of the most common questions I receive is whether people should take supplements. The answer often depends on individual circumstances, but there are some general guidelines to consider.   First, it’s important to focus on the basics. If you’re only drinking 4 cups of water a day and sleeping […]

Vitamins with Kelly Groff

VITAMINS, THEIR IMPORTANCE & THEIR FUNCTION via  Kelly Groff  ~ Team Jeremy Scott Fitness Vitamins are important to the body, they are compounds that are necessary for our bodies normal growth and function.  We can’t make all vitamins in our body so we must obtain them from our foods.  Most of the compounds needed for […]

How Do You Start Your Day? Jeremy Scott Fitness

Do you take Vitamins every morning?   Being completely honest it wasn’t until about 2 years ago that I started a proper vitamin regimen consistently, I would take them when I remembered and wouldn’t take them if I traveled, you get the idea. Thinking back I see how that mentality fell into other areas of […]