Jeremy Scott -NPC Terminator 2012 Tucson, AZ -Men's Physique Overall Champion
Hey guys crazy few weeks here with summer coming to an end at Jeremy Scott Fitness. Let me get right down to it, most of you guys know I was fortunate enough to compete in the NPC 2012 Terminator down in Tucson a few weeks back and win my class and the overall Men’s Physique Title. It was an awesome event by the way run very professional, the staff and Miles the promoter were top class!
Backstage after the night show 1st Class Winner 1st Overall Winner
I will be honest here with you guys I don’t enter contests for the attention, the prizes, or the verification that I have the best physique or body on stage. I do it for myself, setting external goals allows me to push myself to higher levels. Having to step on stage under bright lights standing next a bunch of others guys in great shape really helps hold you accountable to a rigorous nutrition plan, because honestly nobody wants to be embarrassed on stage in front of hundreds of people. With that said I have done numerous competitions before and placing in no way changes my outlook on myself or the body I have created, but the reality is it’s much nicer to win than to lose. So I am thankful the hard work I put in didn't go unnoticed in and that on this day the judges thought I was the best on stage.
NPC Terminator 2012 Overall Champion Jeremy Scott PROLAB Athlete
I had the typical hurdles leading up to the show, busy with work, selling our condo, buying a house, plus being home over the 4th of July saying no to the hometown pizza, ice cream, and Grandma Scott’s cookies was brutal. However, I managed to get through the week back before the show in good shape no major food damage was done. I actually dropped 4lbs on vacation that in itself is probably my brightest shining moment of this all.
Not bad for post-vacation conditioning -right before the night show outside!
However, I wasn't so lucky the day before the show!
Here is a photo of my car from the accident I got into the day before the show
Friday I was heading to drop off our dog Jacey before I left, so I am going down the street in Scottsdale and she jumped up on the passenger seat distracting me for 2-3 seconds and by the time I looked up I was within a few feet of the car in front of me, next thing I know…………BOOM! And just like that I smashed into this car, airbags saved my face from the dash and left me with the nice burn mark you can see in the contest photos.
After all that this is the worst thing that happened, pretty lucky when you think about it.
Long story short the lady I ran into was ok, Jayce was ok, and other than some burn marks from the airbag on my face and arms everyone was ok. My Acura on the other hand had just driven its last mile, Gabrielle one of our kick ass JSF members who was watching Jayce for the weekend came to pick the accident and picked her up for me - (thanks again Gabrielle). Shortly after I headed to the collision shop, filled out the accident paper work, showered and then headed to Tucson in Heather’s car about 3 hours after the accident to check-in and get sprayed / measured for the show.
Quick shot from pre-judging rocking the airbag burn on the head nicely here!
During the drive down to Tucson for the show I thought a lot of things, how pissed I was for getting into an accident, how much money it would cost me to fix everything, and then I stopped. It could have been so much worse; it’s just money and inconveniences nothing more. Nobody was hurt we all walked away perfectly fine and could go home to loved ones or hop on stage in a spray tan in my case. Point being events like this really put things into perspective; I was so concerned about competing for weeks, then all in one instant none of that mattered anymore. I am glad I decided to go to the show, it was an awesome event and I meet some great people. Thanks to everyone I had a chance to meet you guys are all rock stars and look amazing, nothing but success is coming your way in the future.
Photo with Skip Wood 2nd place and Aris Tide 5th place both dudes looked amazing!!!!
Life is so precious guys, it really is I try hard not to take people and the time I spend with them for granted and this really affirms to me why that is so important. Life is and the people who share it with are more important than any show, competition, shoot, or event you will ever participate in. Sometimes we can so wrapped up in our own little world we lost sight of the real things that matter! We never plan on getting in accidents, getting sick, or getting hurt, but those things happen every second of everyday to us or the people we care about So, enjoy your life try and not sweat the small stuff and do the things you love with the people you love the most. Thank you guys again for following what we do and being a part of this kick ass team! Be safe and enjoy this weekend!!!!
Overall trophy presentation with my buddy Katie Tipton and Miles Nuessle