Susan Brady - Transformation - Jeremy Scott Fitness

Hey guys I wanted to share a quick little interview Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete Susan Brady did for Calorie Coach, checkout here story here and see her kick ass journey from our of shape to fitness rock star!!!!!!

1. Tell Us a Little About YourselfI am a 46 year old mother of a 7 year old daughter.  I take care of myself with workouts, keep my daughter’s social calendar, volunteer at her school and keep my house in order.  All of that keeps me busy.  I’ve always considered myself an active fit person who was healthy.  I ate a balanced diet with carbs, proteins, fats, alcohol.  Eventually, the weight crept up on me after age 40 and I had to reconsider my lifestyle.  2. What Made You Decide to Get Fit and Healthy?At the end of December, 2010, my childhood best friend got a Wii Fit for her family and she posted on Facebook, “After consistently gaining .2 lbs for the past 6 days, I FINALLY lost .1 lbs today.”  So I replied, “Want to have a contest?”  I had already decided I was going to do SOMETHING to lose weight because I had reached my highest weight ever – 152 lbs.  I didn’t like the way I looked and I had to do something about it.  We asked our friends if they wanted to join us and set up a private FB page where we could discuss our progress.  I shared my weight, posted photos and put it out there to be held accountable.  Slowly, others on our page started doing the same.  There were no rules about how you lost the weight, but we always encouraged a healthy route.  Everyone has their own journey. 

3. What Is Your Nutrition Philosophy?  For the past year, I have personally eaten proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.  I try to stay away from anything processed.  The more natural it is, the better it is for you.  I eat sprouted grain bread and natural peanut butter.  I try to stay away from sugar and I don’t eat corn, white rice or white potatoes.  I eat sweet potatoes and brown rice instead.  I still love alcohol, but I have cut WAY back on the amount I consume and when I’m in a fitness challenge at JSF, I won’t drink.  I also used to eat my daughter’s leftovers because I can’t stand to see food go to waste, but I stopped doing that because I don’t like to see it go to my waist!  (Of course there is the occasional cheat meal.  I love a big, fat juicy Rueben with French fries)!4. What Is Your Exercise Philosophy?  A quick 30 minute intense “mixed up” workout works for me.  I go to Jeremy Scott Fitness ( – a boot camp style regimen – 3 days/week for ½ hour and every time, the workout is different.  I didn’t know what a burpee or a mountain climber was before I started there.  I used to do the SAME THING in the gym over and over and really didn’t see any results.  I would spend 25 minutes on the elliptical machine, and use a few of the weight machines afterwards and think I had a good workout.  “At least I am doing something”, was my thought.  I also enjoy yoga once/twice a week.  When it’s below 90 degrees here, I also enjoy hiking.  The more active you can be, the better your health will be.5. What Was the Most Important Thing You Learned During Your Transformation?  I learned that I’m stronger than I think I am – physically and mentally.  I also learned how important nutrition is.  I used to think I could eat and drink whatever I wanted, workout harder or longer and I could lose or maintain my weight.  Maybe when I was 20, but not over 40!6. What Mistake(s) Should People Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight?  Don’t think you can eat anything you want!  I see people trying to lose weight who drink diet sodas!!!!!  STAY AWAY FROM SODAS, PERIOD!  Drink more water.7. What Advice Do You Have For Others? If working out for you is difficult, find a partner to do it with you.  If eating “clean” is hard for you, find someone who will do it with you, or hold you accountable.  Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you.  I find the clients at JSF all have the same goals – to get healthier and be in better shape.  It’s like a family and I love working out with everyone there.


Jeremy Scott -NPC Terminator 2012 Tucson, AZ -Men's Physique Overall Champion


OCJ Kid's - Giving Back - Team Jeremy Scott Fitness