Corrective Exercise Season - Jeremy Scott Fitness
This Season of Jeremy Scott Fitness Camp we are putting an even bigger focus on Corrective Exercise. Why you ask? At the root, we want you guys to not only look like sexy rock stars, but more importantly feel like rock stars 24-7-365. Looking the part is great and will impress the opposite sex, but having a healthy functioning body day in and day out is our goal for you!Now all of you who are members already know or have a good idea of what some components of corrective exercise are. For the rest of you scratching your heads, here is my definition of corrective exercise.Corrective exercise is more than foam rolling, more than core stability training, more than stretching and mobility work, depending on the needs of the clients or athletes in this case you guys….corrective exercise can encompass all of these things.When we say corrective exercise to you guys in camps and personal training sessions in your head just think “SMART Training” – training in a way that is safe and effective for you to improve your performance. Think of it as training that helps improve your flexibility, mobility, endurance, posture, form, trunk/core strength and beyond......Think corrective = training to make me feel and perform better inside and outside the confines of the gym on a day to day basis.I hope you guys see the value in these practices and embrace them, trust me on this if you can perform on a higher level day in and day out…….all the vanity driven goals will arrive that much quicker. If you are always sore or hurt how you can possibly train up to your full potential?
Kick Ass – Jeremy Scott – PROLAB Athlete – Jeremy Scott Fitness