Single Ingredient Diet - Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness
Hey guys I have a fun little challenge for you starting today if you are willing to accept it.Starting today and going as many days in a row as you can make it I challenge you to what I call the “single ingredient” diet!Super simple and super easy to remember for the next few days I want you to only eat single foods – meaning foods that contain only 1 ingredient.Examples – chicken, beef, apples, asparagus, bananas, almonds, water, green tea, spinach, eggs, the list goes on and on… get the idea. Sometimes by doing something so simple it helps jump start a new healthy pattern in your life, and for some of you this might be what you need.Now I know for some this seems impossible, but give it a try even if you end up failing at keeping it to “1 ingredient” keep it close 2-3 at the most …….99% of you will be better off than your current eating patterns.Just a fun little weekly challenge to break the mold, re-energize your mind and help get your body clean and functioning like the bad ass machine it can be.Best of luck and I will be posting some of my food intake on Facebook throughout the week letting you guys know how it’s going! I will also do a little follow up blog on how I feel overall once I break the single ingredient barrier again!!!
Kick Ass – Jeremy Scott – PROLAB Athlete