NPC Western Regional Men's Physique Champion - Jeremy Scott Fitness
Hey guys if you didn’t catch the results of this past weekends contest I was fortunate enough to capture another 1st place finish at the NPC Western Regional in the Men’s Physique Division. This makes two straight 1st place finishes in my last two NPC Men’s Physique shows, I am more than honored considering the level of competition I was paired with this past weekend.
Jeremy Scott - 1st Place NPC Western Regional Men's Physique
What makes this show even more gratifying is I was able to help one of my clients Matt Steve to a 1st place finish as well in the Master’s Division, this was his first ever show at the age of 42 years old and he killed it! Congrats again Matt I couldn’t be prouder of you brother the hard work really paid off BIG!
With my boy Matt Steve NPC Men's Master Division Champion
One thing I want people to realize is the level of dedication and determination you see at these types of events is unreal. You really get an understanding of how many people are in amazing shape and live this lifestyle. It’s invigorating to see and be around them, it only adds to my motivation day in and day out to be my absolute best.
After pre-judging Friday: it's amazing what you can do if you stay motivated!
With that said....Your body is a gift not a given right, so treat it that way…..I am not saying you need to jump on stage in a bikini or a little pair of shorts but if you are sitting down reading this and are unhappy with your body DO SOMETHING about it.You have more control and willpower than you believe and it just takes a goal to get motivated. The hardest step is the 1st one and we all start at square one, but the key is you must start!
My old man once told me you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster….now he is no poet but the simple logic has stuck with me for my entire life…wishing never got anybody anything…it takes EFFORT!I know I write about a lot of sexy eating protocols and ways to manage your nutrition, but the one thing that holds true and true is eating clean protein and green veggies with a great training program is the healthiest and most efficient way to get in amazing shape.
A regular staple of my nutrition plan year round quick-easy-efficient
On a lighter note, I am more than happy with the outcome of the show most people only see the stage photos and the trophy images, they don’t see the hours of hard work strength training, aerobic training, eating for a goal and not for pleasure…I worked my ass off for this show in all aspects, and it will be nice to have a break from the competition scene for the rest of 2012.
I know my PROLAB teammate Moji doesn't do cheat meals, but he has also never tasted one of these bad boys before!
Next time you are in town Moji it's my treat!!!!
I want to thank my team over at PROLAB for all their help not just from a supplementation aspect which is amazing, but for being surrounded by so many amazing fitness competitors it's truly inspiring.Special thanks to Miles Nussel and the great show he put on with around 300 people getting on stage, for anyone in Arizona looking to do a show he really does put the athletes 1st and the staff working with him equally as awesome so thanks again Miles it’s always a pleasure.
Until next time guys keep kicking ass on your goals and remember if you ever feel like giving up just remember the reason you started in the first place. It’s not easy but nothing in life worth having really is. Time for a little ice workout of course!!!
Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness – PROLAB Athlete