How Do You Start Your Day? Jeremy Scott Fitness

Do you take Vitamins every morning?

 Being completely honest it wasn’t until about 2 years ago that I started a proper vitamin regimen consistently, I would take them when I remembered and wouldn’t take them if I traveled, you get the idea. Thinking back I see how that mentality fell into other areas of my life, half meal planning, half planning my own workouts, half cleaning my house, finishing half my things to do lists… So what changed? I became motivated to be healthy not just some of the time, but 100% of the time 24-7-365. I made a commitment to myself that I would take my vitamins every single morning for 30 days – no matter what. They say it takes at least 21 days to create a habit and now over 2 years later I am still at it like clockwork. I now start off each day with micronutrients I need and a kick ass attitude to get things done for my day. As simple as it seems making a small commitment for 2 minutes each morning sets the tone for my entire day. Taking vitamins is a cornerstone habit you can start tomorrow that can help you make other commitments and important lifestyle changes. This simple change also helped me make other habit forming changes that have stuck with me as well, making sure to finish all my “to-do’s” by their deadline, planning my nutrition and workouts and staying the course no matter what comes up! While we all start out motivated on day 1 – it’s day 100 and day 1,000 that you need to be just as motivated for. "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." –Jim Rohn-  “Find your vitamin” – maybe it’s vitamins to start your day, maybe it’s making you bed, maybe it’s drinking a liter of water, find your healthy habit to start your day with – who knows it might just help some other significant changes in your life.  


Start your day off with a Kick Ass habit – Jeremy Scott 


NPC Western Regional Men's Physique Champion - Jeremy Scott Fitness


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