3 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

3 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

 Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness 

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Apple cider vinegar is a kick ass health drink that has shown to help with heart health, high cholesterol, weight loss, and aid in proper digestion and detoxification!Grab some apple cider vinegar to cure everything from common cold symptoms to a getting your body detoxed and primed to burn fat! 

Take a SHOT – if you can shots of Wild Turkey or Jag Bombs you can take a shot of ACV.

 Or on the softer side drink some apple cider vinegar mixed with water. If you have a bacterial infection causing you diarrhea, apple cider vinegar could help contain the issue due to its antibiotic properties. It has also been shown to help soothe intestinal spasms. Try mixing one or two tablespoons into water or taking it straight up like a gangster….that’s how I do it! Indigestion is NOT SEXY – taking down some ACV before indulging in foods that could cause you issues will help aid in avoiding indigestion later! Try taking about 20oz of warm water with a little honey teaspoon at most about 30-60 minutes before this meal and see if it doesn’t do the trick!ACV helps fight fatigue – training, working, parenting all takes it’s toll you on you day after day. This added stress of training and little rest can cause a huge lactic acid build up in the body making you even more stressed and fatigued! ACV has some kick ass amino acids, that go great with the it’s potassium and enzyme content…..which can aid in the exhausted feeling you have daily. I suggest taking a shot every day to get started off on the right track…..you won’t be sorry!

Some other BAD ASS Benefits Include.... 

  • Supports a healthy Immune System
  • Helps to Eliminate Heartburn naturally
  • Helps to Improve Bowel Irregularity
  • Helps to control weight by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them
  • Helps with Joint Pain and Stiffness
  • Helps to Clear Up Skin Conditions
  • Promotes Digestion & ph Balance

For more ways to add ACV into your nutrition plan checkout this quick 2 day guide – CLICK HERE 

Or for even more benefits and tips visit - COOK IT ALLERGY FREE 

Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness

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