Best Of The Valley - Jeremy Scott Fitness VOTE
AZ Foothills Magazine - Best Of The Valley
Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness
Thank you guys for helping us get nominated for BEST OF THE VALLEY now we need your HELP Daily!!!
To VOTE for Jeremy Scott Fitness visit
Voting runs October 1 through November 30 and will drive millions of page views. (One vote per registered e-mail, per category, per day)
Each winner will be featured in Arizona Foothills Magazine March 2014 issue, while one winner will grace the cover of the March 2014 issue. Winners are also rewarded with Best of Our Valley branding opportunities using the Best of Our Valley logo and online editorial, tickets to the Best of Our Valley annual celebration and discounts on advertising and space at the event in March. Mix and mingle at the annual celebration in March as we honor your win and present you with an award.
Thank you all in advance from Kelly, Monica and myself!!!! Make sure to VOTE Daily for Jeremy Scott Fitness!!!
Jeremy Scott - Jeremy Scott Fitness