Posts Tagged with "Jeremy Scott"

2 Facts….

2 Facts… Your current body and life are a result of your life choices up this point. Your future body and future life will be a result of the choices you make moving ahead. It might be tough to hear that but as they say the truth hurts. Making changes and transforming your life takes […]

Should my Child start Strength and Conditioning?

Should my Child start Strength and Conditioning? Should my child start strength and conditioning? This is a common question I receive and figured I would touch on it today. Is there a RIGHT age for teaching kids to lift weights or doing strength training? The answer is no…. and before I have all my critics […]

You are the CEO of your Life

YOU are the CEO of your life…… Let me kick this off with one of my favorite quotes…..  “I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say “No, I won’t do it, I won’t behave this way anymore. I’m lonely and I […]

Don’t Do Nothing

Don’t do nothing….. Don’t just sit there and do nothing if you hate your job, are unhappy with your body, frustrated with your relationship…. Start looking for what will bring you more happiness and fulfillment. STOP settling for less than you deserve or truly want. True winners NEVER settle for less than their personal best. […]

Men’s Health Vita CoCo Workout

Hey guys recently I did a series with Men’s Health and Vita CoCo they flew into Arizona for a few to hang out and shoot some video content at our JSF facility. Here is one of the videos we connected on with a breakdown – CLICK HERE to check it out. If you have 30 […]

Being Healthy is a Choice

Being healthy is a choice Being healthy is a choice…..So is being unhealthy. Which fork in the road are you going down? You decide what you are every day with your actions.  It’s no different for me than it is for you.  If you want amazing results, you decide every day through your effort, your […]

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Youth Training

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Youth Training     Today we have a guest post from our Lead Youth Fitness Coach Jacob….. I’ve received a lot of questions on why I started a youth strength and conditioning camp…. The answer is easy… I enjoy working with kids, but I thought it might be fun […]

Greek Islands with Jeremy Scott Fitness

The Greek Islands with Jeremy Scott Fitness  My Summer travel schedule was crazy…..   Starting in Arizona I was off to Michigan, Washington, Oregon, Malibu, Los Angeles, Napa Valley, Minnesota, and finally the Greek Islands Athens, Santorini, Mykonos.   I will say this about traveling the world; it’s given me a great perspective on life. […]

Why Youth Strength & Conditioning?

Why Youth Strength and Conditioning? This week is the first JSF Youth Strength and Conditioning Camp that I will be running and I’m super excited to be starting this new journey. I thought I would let you know why I have decided to work with the youth and what drives me! The number one reason […]

Athlete Spotlight Lisa Petterossi

Athlete Spotlight Lisa Petterossi – Jeremy Scott Fitness     What brought you to Jeremy Scott Fitness and how long have you been a member? Having decided to take a sabbatical from my career after almost 19 years with my company, it was time for me to invest in my family, myself, and for clarity. […]