Posts Tagged with "Fitness"

Train Like A Girl

Train Like a Girl Podcast ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness  Yes you read the title right I am urging you (YES YOU MEN) to train like girls. CLICK HERE to listen to a recent podcast episode I did about what we as men can learn from our female counterparts in terms of improving our training. I think […]

Know Who You Really Are

Real Talk …Know Who You Really Are! Who you are is so much more than your car, your house, your bank account, your abs, your posts, your likes, and your social media bio. Our selfish egos love to compare ourselves to others in terms of looks, money, job title and everything in between. And for […]

Why Meal Plans Suck?

Why Meal Plans Suck?  I had to drop a podcast on this topic to really get into the details of why I not a meal plan fan.  The biggest question I get from most people who start our programs are….  Do I get a meal plan?  The answer is NO…..  And here is the reason […]

How You Spend Your Time

How You Spend Your Time…. 86,400 seconds in the day……. that’s why I wear it on my shirts to remind me of how precious our life time is! The average American lives just under 30,000 days…  If you’re 26 you have about 20,000 days left….  If you are 54 you have about 10,000 days left…. […]

2 Facts….

2 Facts… Your current body and life are a result of your life choices up this point. Your future body and future life will be a result of the choices you make moving ahead. It might be tough to hear that but as they say the truth hurts. Making changes and transforming your life takes […]

Should my Child start Strength and Conditioning?

Should my Child start Strength and Conditioning? Should my child start strength and conditioning? This is a common question I receive and figured I would touch on it today. Is there a RIGHT age for teaching kids to lift weights or doing strength training? The answer is no…. and before I have all my critics […]

You are the CEO of your Life

YOU are the CEO of your life…… Let me kick this off with one of my favorite quotes…..  “I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say “No, I won’t do it, I won’t behave this way anymore. I’m lonely and I […]

Don’t Do Nothing

Don’t do nothing….. Don’t just sit there and do nothing if you hate your job, are unhappy with your body, frustrated with your relationship…. Start looking for what will bring you more happiness and fulfillment. STOP settling for less than you deserve or truly want. True winners NEVER settle for less than their personal best. […]

Men’s Health Vita CoCo Workout

Hey guys recently I did a series with Men’s Health and Vita CoCo they flew into Arizona for a few to hang out and shoot some video content at our JSF facility. Here is one of the videos we connected on with a breakdown – CLICK HERE to check it out. If you have 30 […]

Nobody Can Do It Alone

Quick simple message for anyone out there in the middle of a storm, or looking to make some major life changes.  Nobody makes it alone….nobody! When I wanted to start this business (Jeremy Scott Fitness) over 10 years ago, my wife deep down was scared sh*tless but believed in me.  Heather supported my decision to […]