
We MUST Be Better

  I am sad … and at a loss for words unsure of what I can say to help.   But being from MN originally born and raised to watch all that has happened is gut wrenching…. and it’s hard to even focus on anything right now.   I have been sick to my stomach […]

True Values of Happiness

True Values for Happiness…  One of our Inner Circle athletes Christine Sanaphay shared this with me and I wanted to pass it along to all of you.  These are my values for true Happiness: H appiness is a choice found within  A bundance appears when we’re grateful  P ractice positivity  P ut your heart into […]

20 Ways to Keep Making Progress

20 Ways to Keep Making Progress   I recently did a podcast digging into how to “make progress” during this slow down stay at home season of life we are in.   Look I get it; this is NOT fun and NOT ideal for any of us. But instead of just becoming depressed, unmotivated, and […]

Certified Sanitary Cleaning

Certified Sanitary Cleaning ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness While we are not sure when we will all back together and what that will look like exactly as the phases rollout. Trust in me that I have been working, consulting, and creating relationships with some of the brightest minds in health, fitness, & the medical professions.    […]

The Little Things Aren’t Little

The Little Things Aren’t Little ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast  Happy Sunday peeps…. We miss all you guys, seeing you each week, training, sharing inappropriate jokes LOL and everything else that comes with being together. That actually promoted me to drop this podcast titled “The Little Things Aren’t Little” CLICK HERE to listen. Just my thoughts on […]

How to Strengthen Your Immune System

How to Strengthen Your Immune System Now more than ever this should be the focus for all of us moving forward – Building your Immune System. For that reason I dive DEEP into this on one of our most recent Podcasts CLICK HERE to listen. I did a lot of research and connecting with fellow […]

The Butterfly Effect Podcast

The Butterfly Effect Podcast ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast  Hey guys hope this finds you safe and if you just worked out also sweaty lol…. I recently did a quick podcast titled “The Butterfly Effect” How Everything Matters CLICK HERE to listen. Now if you are unfamiliar with the theory here is a simple breakdown… […]

Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Do You Love Chocolate? Who doesn’t love chocolate or at least like it right? Personally I could crush about 10 Reese’s Easter Eggs without even breathing in between but as we know that is probably not the healthiest thing to do lol…. But did you know dark chocolate can be a healthy alternative in moderation […]

Southwest Turkey Lettuce Wrapped Tacos

Southwest Turkey Lettuce Wrapped Tacos   Taco Tuesday with Jeremy Scott Fitness Just sharing another quick low carb high protein dinner option you can enjoy with the whole family. We make some version of this just about every week at our house and think you will enjoy it as well.   Ground turkey Taco sauce […]