
10 Ways to Bring More Joy to Your Day

10 Ways to Bring More Joy to Your Day I recently did a podcast on 10 Ways to Bring More Joy to Your Day.   I came across a post by Jairek Robbins a few weeks back I saved which inspired this episode here.   CLICK HERE to give this full episode a listen.   […]

Spicy Cilantro Lime Shrimp Lettuce Wrapped Tacos

Spicy Cilantro Lime Shrimp Lettuce Wrapped Tacos Wild caught shrimp Avocado Olive oil or coconut oil Smoked Paprika powder or curry powder Garlic Powder Black pepper Pink Salt Lime Red onion Cilantro Bell peppers or carrots Lettuce cups Saute shrimp in skillet with oil of your choice and throw in all spices. Chop up veggies […]

We Paid Off Our House

We Paid Off Our House You read the title right…. we paid off our house!   On February 26th 2020 my wife Heather and I paid off our house.   We made a decision about 14 months ago to go all in on becoming debt free and getting rid of our biggest and only debt…. […]

The American Life is Killing You Podcast

The American Life is Killing You Podcast  I recently did a podcast that HITS HARD to all of us here living in the U.S. CLICK HERE to give the episode a full listen it’s titled The American Life is Killing You This episode came from a blog titled the same: The American Life is Killing […]

Eating for Busy Professionals

Eating for Busy Professionals   I recently did a podcast that is from a speech I give to corporations both big and small to help educate their busy professionals on how they can become healthy.   I talk through the basics of healthy eating, prep, planning, hacks for social events, dinners, and happy hours.   […]

Transformation Success Story

Transformation Success Story ~ Rachel Wantz ~  Jeremy Scott Fitness Athlete  Quick shout out to one of our gangsters here Rachel Wantz she has made a pretty badass transformation over the past 2 years.   Sometimes seeing people everyday we as coaches don’t notice the little changes, but when you can step back and look […]

My Valentine’s Day Pro Tip$$$

My PRO Valentines Day $$$$ Tips… Now this has nothing to do with “fitness” but as we coach and teach things it connects to other areas of your life. Take it from a guy who has made every realationship mistake in the books on these quick fun Valentines Day Pro Tips to save you time, […]

If You Want to Live a 1% Life

If you want to live a 1% life you need to do the work the other 99% won’t.   If you have the ambition to live a life that only about 1% of the world can attain you have to be willing to put in an insane amount of work over many years to get […]

We Don’t Buy Things with Money Podcast

We Don’t Buy Things with Money, We Buy Them with Hours from our Life….    “We don’t buy things with money, we buy them with hours from our life.   Or, as Henry David Thoreau put it, “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”   This is a life-changing principle. […]

Money Can’t Do This

Money Can’t Do This…  Your wealth will not make you a better human. Giant Homes Fancy Cars Expensive Jewelry Designer Clothes None of these material things has the power to make you truly happy. Money doesn’t change us it just exposes us & amplifies who we already are. If you are kind, giving and thoughtful […]