If you’re waiting for a sign this is it! Are you ready to finally take control you’re eating, your training, your health, and your happiness? Drop me your email and I will shoot you this quick guide to help you starting making the rest of your life the best of your life.

Posts Tagged with "scottsdale gym"

New Coach at JSF

Welcome Meredith Gray to the Jeremy Scott Fitness team starting mid June 2024. Meredith Gray, B.S. NASM CPT  Meredith is a fitness professional from North Carolina with a passion for movement and nutrition. She has been a coach for 6 years and believes in using movement as a tool for a stronger body AND mind. […]

Message from a Jeremy Scott Fitness App Member

Sharing a quick message we received from one of our app members inside a private coaching group. The names are removed for privacy. Thought this would be a good share for anyone looking to be part of a great supportive community like we have HERE Per our app member….. “The Jeremy Scott Fitness group has […]

What We Really Do Here…

What We Really Do Here… We give people the tools and knowledge to live the healthiest, happiest lives possible.   We do this by being present each day, walking on their journey with them and leading by example.   Susan here is a prime example of this….   I still remember when she walked into […]

Know Who You Are

Real Talk …Know Who You Really Are!   Who you are is so much more than your car, your house, your bank account, your abs, your posts, your likes, and your social media bio. Our selfish egos love to compare ourselves to others in terms of looks, money, job title and everything in between. And […]

Money Can’t Buy

Money will not make you a better human.   Giant Homes Fancy Cars Expensive Jewelry Designer Clothes   None of these material things has the power to make you truly happy.   Money doesn’t change us it just merely exposes us & amplifies who we already are.   If you are kind, giving and thoughtful […]

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

Pumpkin Protein Pancakes 1 scoop  of Jaylab vanilla protein powder CLICK HERE PP10 to save 10%  1/2 cup pumpkin puree  1/2 cup almond milk ½ packet of oats 1 tbsp organic coconut oil  1 tsp cinnamon  1 tsp pumpkin pie spice  2-4 tablespoons of low sugar maple syrup (based on how sweet you like it)  […]

Master of Failure

Master of Failure   I am a master of failure guys; I have literally failed at just about everything in my life the first time round. I was never really naturally good at anything be it sports, school, business, relationships you name it I failed at them a lot….   Anyone who says they haven’t […]

Gym vs. Coaching Program

Gym vs. Coaching Program Podcast ~ Jeremy Scott Fitness Podcast Knowing the difference between a “gym” and a legit “coaching program” matters….if you want to hear me dive deep into this topic click here and listen to my recent podcast.  It matters in your results, your education, your cost and return on your time and […]

Time Goes Fast For Us All…..

Time goes fast for us all….   How many times have you said, “I can’t believe it’s already (insert time of year)   Think about it …..our lives are so accelerated these days.   Never ending emails, phone calls, social media the rat race is as fast and demanding today as it’s ever been with […]

A Gym Is More Than Just Fitness

A Gym Is More Than Just Fitness  I don’t normally share our Mandatory Minute series on my blog, however this #mandatoryminute from my girl Nikki Metzger touches on something I truly believe in: how a gym can be than just fitness –CLICK HERE Now I know what some of you are thinking, a gym is […]