
Workout Muse Push Up Challenge….JSF

Hey guys real quick just wanted to throw up this video of a recent push up challenge issued by BJ over at Workout Muse. As you guys know we do everything on a progression in our Boot Camps Level 1-3 sometimes 4-5 for the really bad ass campers. We’ll today here is a level 6 […]

Super Bowl Special…JSF Style

Now that we have all found our switch to keep that fire light and motivation high courtesy or yesterday’s blog post. I want to give everyone a Super Supplement Gift in honor of the upcoming Super Bowl…. As you may know, my team, the Minnesota Vikings, didn’t make it to the Super Bowl. However, the neighboring […]

Find your Switch….Jeremy Scott Fitness

Do you guys have a switch you flip when your motivation goes? I think one of the most important things you can have is a switch that turns an unmotivated day into a killer training session. We all have those days we don’t feel like working hard, like training a certain body part, eating the […]

Another day to get it right……JSF

Another Monday….another chance to kick ass on all your fitness goals…… I have a few things to get out to you guys today, but before I get into that take a moment for the late great Jack LaLanne who passed away Sunday the fitness icon was 96 years old. This guy trained all the way […]

Making Smart Choices……with Jeremy Scott Fitness

If you are reading this you made a smart choice………. When you’re confronted with the junk food, remember the goal; we want to get you as lean and ripped as fast as possible. Now, think about your food choices after you read this today. I will repeat that Please — think about the food choices after you read you […]

Whey Protein Benefits – Jeremy Scott Fitness

First, I never knew this about whey protein, but this is some really cool research on a new benefit that’s recently been discovered. It’s a quick read and I know you’ll enjoy it… P.S. All the WSU Cougar Alumni on our fitness ring should appreciate this story! Second, they’ve put ALL their delicious powder products […]

So you want to be Bodybuilding lean?

Hey guys just wanted to touch base on something real quick the pursuit of getting “Bodybuilding” lean. Not necessarily to even step on stage, I am talking about just taking your body to the absolute limit getting into the best possible shape for you! It’s not just eating perfect for “x-amount” of weeks, training 6 days […]

Jeremy Scott Fitness Boot Camp Video

Hey guys as promised a little video of some boot camp clips, mixed with the pictures you guys sent in rocking your Jeremy Scott Fitness gear!!!! It’s because of all you guys that is possible, you are the ones who make up Team Jeremy Scott Fitness. Thank you all and please continue to keep […]

Thanks Arnold –

“The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else” –Arnold Schwarzenegger I wanted to share this with you guys, it’s a saying that I believe in %100. I try and live my life to a high standard that I set for myself, not measuring my goals by others around me. If you […]