Posts Tagged with "six pack"

Six Pack Abs with NO Situps

Six Pack Abs with NO Situps  Everyone wants six-pack abs, I get it…. But many people I meet still think you need to be doing hundreds of situps per day to get that rock hard six pack.  The reality is you can get an amazing core/abs/stomach without doing a single situp.  In this episode of […]

6 Myths About Your Six-Pack ABS

6 Myths About Your Six-Pack ABS Everyone digs having a rock hard six-pack, I mean lets face it if someone could give you a six-pack for life would you turn it down? I highly doubt it.   We all know someone with seemingly perfect abs or have seen people streaming all across social media flashing […]

Trans Fats Are Bad…. Do You Know Why? Jeremy Scott Fitness

We all know trans fats are bad…but do you know WHY?   Here is the simple stupid version of why you should avoid them in your diet 100% of the time if possible.   Remember these words “hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils”   It’s the hidden language for trans fats – and the reason they […]

Pumpkin Pie Milkshake and More….Jeremy Scott Fitness

I love food just as much as the next person, and my close friends can back me on this from time to time I like to indulge on everything from Pizza to Ice Cream. Now while nothing beats the real thing, there are alternatives to your favorite treats that can keep your macros and nutrition […]

The #1 Reason You Aren’t Getting Results – Jeremy Scott Fitness

The #1 Reason You Aren’t Getting Results  Why are you not getting the desired results you want? Why are you seeing others around you get lean and drop dress/pants sizes while you stand still? The answer my friends in one word is “Accountability” that’s right you are not being held accountable in your eating. Nutrition is the […]

What are you cooking with? Jeremy Scott Fitness

 I will say this again fat is your friend, and if you have ever talked nutrition with me for more than 10 minutes you have heard it before.  Don’t FEAR the FAT!!!! So, that leads me to my next question what are you cooking with these days? Me personally I cook everything with coconut oil […]

Single Ingredient Diet – Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness

Hey guys I have a fun little challenge for you starting today if you are willing to accept it. Starting today and going as many days in a row as you can make it I challenge you to what I call the “single ingredient” diet! Super simple and super easy to remember for the next […]

Fat Loss Contest for Cash Starting July 11th- Jeremy Scott Fitness

Team Jeremy Scott Fitness Drop a Dress and Pants Size in 20 Days!!! Looking to beat the heat and reach a new fitness goal for the summer this is it! Starts July 11th to July 30th – 50% of the prize money goes back to you guys! Last year the winning team walked away with […]

Jeremy Scott Fitness – ABC 15 Sonoran Living Live

Hey guys last week if you didn’t catch it, Dave and I were on Sonoran Living Live showing the viewers at home how to get a kick ass workout done with just a towel. The best part is you guys can do this in your living room, even if you have carpet just grab some […]

An Apple A Day – Jeremy Scott Prolab Athlete -Jeremy Scott Fitness

-An Apple A Day-  –Jeremy Scott – Jeremy Scott Fitness-  A lot of times we get caught up in the hype of all these fancy fruits and berries because we want to be cutting edge, acai this or goji that…what about good old fashion apples? You know those red things we would all eat when […]